
I'm Larissa,

Business Coach,

Practical Mystic, 

and ice cream aficionado...

I often use expressions like, 

"the proof-is-in-the-pudding! "

From a very young age, I discovered that I had a gift for tuning into

and understanding another person's suffering.

I went on to run my own clinical practice 

as a naturopathic doctor for 11 years and 

facilitated a lot of miraculous healing processes.

All the while, I had one foot in the spirit world... 

teaching personal development programs, yoga & meditation.


that first business didn't start off so well.

I was a healer, not a business woman!!

I went into business to help people, not to make money.

To promote myself and "toot my own horn", 
to charge a rate that went beyond just what I needed to get by...

it all felt so wrong, so uncomfortable...and I couldn't bring myself to do it.

So, I lived in virtual poverty for many years.

There was a lot of hardship,

and I made many sacrifices to continue the work that I loved.


I finally realized that I was the one getting in my own way.  

I invested in the support I needed to clear the inner blocks to running my business

with integrity and authenticity so I could get paid well and feel good about it!

Not long after, my practice was ramping up and the money was flowing...

As I started to align myself more and more with what I really wanted 

(because I now understood that I had the power to have what I really wanted),

I realized that the highest expression of my unique gifts

went beyond the scope of being an N.D.

Over time, my inner guidance steered me toward coaching, 

and now my own business journey has become the subject of my life's work.

What thrills my socks off?

At the heart of it, I'm a Geek 🤓 when it comes to the 'Inner Work'.

Nothing is more thrilling to me than to witness one of my clients

transcend their own fears, insecurities or limitations, and discover the

courage, clarity & confidence to be who they truly are

and by extension, blossom into the highest expression of their life's work...

To create Prosperity 

but more importantly, 

to awaken to your Unique Gifts & Genius.

When you start living and running your business in-alignment with what you were born to do,

 you not only make the world a better place by serving more people, 

and make a good living doing what you love,

but in turn you're raising the consciousness for the entire planet:

by changing the culture of business forever...

to one that is based on integrity, generosity & service.

Larissa is the captain of the ship; she has the strength to hold the tiller and guide the ship forward regardless of what's going on and she is completely dedicated and devoted to doing that for her clients regardless of what junk they kick up and what distractions there are.  It's incredibly powerful to have an experience of that and it's rare to see that strength to hold focus on the bigger picture... Her capacity is bigger than anything that I've ever experienced.  Her devotion to her values is a huge part of who she is and they're rock solid... I've never ever seen her waiver from what she believes in. 

Ahulani McAdam

Empathic healer & spiritual mentor


It's so great to meet you! 

I'm really excited and honoured to help you get out of your own way so you can take that vision of prosperity, consistent income and business success out of your dreams and bring them down-to-earth: into material reality!!

I'm here to make the most challenging and rewarding parts of the business journey simpler, more satisfying, and a lot more joyful.

Let yourself glow!

XO Larissa Popov