Important Question for Spiritual Program Organizers who still get nervous, tense and awkward when it comes to asking for money and closing sales:

If there was a proven and empowering method to feel totally comfortable with money and selling in an aligned and ethical way, would you finally stop feeling awkward and nervous about closing the sale and register every qualified participant in the room?  

I have a special invitation for you...

 Hi!  I'm Larissa Popov and as a Divine Business Mentor, I help spiritual entrepreneurs to feel confident and shine as the business owners they are.  

I would like to share with you a life-changing experience that will transform your relationship with money and selling forever!  



Spiritual Sales Superstar! 

Live Group Coaching Program

A proven and empowering system that allows you to get to the bottom of your biggest blocks around money and selling and feel totally comfortable and confident making high-priced offers and registering more of your qualified participants so that you can fill your courses!  

You’re going to walk away from this powerful inner work, feeling much more comfortable commanding higher prices for your programs, handling the dreaded "I can't afford it" objection and taking people's money so that more people can receive the amazing transformation and benefits that your programs offer!  

It's so unexpected how quick, how transformative it's been!

It’s so unexpected how quick, how transformative it’s been! The blocks and emotional weight are gone in such a short amount of time.  Now there is an immense sense of security that's come up that I didn't expect, that’s wonderful!  An immense senses of relief and freedom, because I no longer feel held back by this weight in my money but also in my workwhich was holding me back from being productive and progressing with my money and my career.  

 // Happy Client

Here's what you get inside the
"Spiritual Sales Superstar!"
LIVE Group Coaching Program:

This group coaching program consists of 5 x 90 minute group calls scheduled once every 1-2 weeks.  Each session focuses on helping you uncover and clear your biggest blocks around each of the 5 KEY Spiritual Selling Strengths.  


Clear the Resistance to Selling 

During this eye-opening introductory module, you’ll discover:

  • the power your subconscious mind has on your ability to be successful, even when you have the best of intentions

  • a profoundly transformative guided-process that will allow you to clear your biggest fears, doubts and limiting beliefs around visibility so that you can feel clear, confident and inspired to step into the spotlight.


My Unique Relationship to Money

During this practical and highly relevant module you will:

  • Recognize how money shapes every aspect of your life and take back your power and consciousness to change what is no longer serving you
  • Become really clear on the emotions and programming attached to your money
  • Have major AHA moments around how you relate to money and how it affects your ability to sell with genuine enthusiasm 


The Shadow of the Salesperson

In this empowering module, you’ll:

  • experience your confidence, excitement and willingness to sell open up so that you can boldly register more participants into your programs
  •  clarify your inner conflicts and release your resistance around selling and being in the role of the salesperson
  • discover a new level of authenticity emerge as you allow yourself to step into that role in way you never allowed yourself before


The Downside of Generosity

In this counter-intuitive module, you’ll discover:

  • the unfortunate consequences of being too generous and offering discounts
  • a brand new perspective on the classic "I can't afford it" objection and how to work with it to support the participant's highest interests
  • how money is actually a powerful tool for personal empowerment


The Vow to never be a Superstar

In this expansive module, you’ll discover:

  • why it's not easy to show up with the vulnerability and authenticity you would like to convey
  • how to feel self-assured and free to truly be yourself to a degree you have never allowed before
  • open up to a greater willingness to be seen, recognized and appreciated for who you really are and the unique power and presence you bring to your audience

Your participation makes it great.

This is the first program of its kind and by actively participating and providing feedback in this program, I will be able to tailor it to your needs and make it even better!  

Larissa  Popov

I am TRULY AMAZED at the shift in my VERY BEING...

I am TRULY AMAZED at the shift in my VERY BEING... now I actually believe that I deserve to HAVE more and BE more; I feel I am WORTHY of a bigger income, working for people who respect and appreciate me, and I can have the things I want. Now, I feel powerful and empowered..

//  A.S.

 Program value:  $2000

Your investment not $1500, but only: $497


This work is my livelihood, and my clients normally pay me thousands of dollars to do this kind of work.  I am offering my live, hands-on support and expertise through this special program at a fraction of the regular rate in-exchange for your valuable feedback, experiences, and success stories so that it can help make the program the best it can be and pave the way for more spiritual entrepreneurs to achieve this same transformation for themselves.

AND if that isn't reason enough to join right now;

I am also donating a portion of the proceeds to the Art of Living Foundation -- so your course investment is not only shaping your own financial future and helping the people who will benefit from your work, but you will be simultaneously contribute to a greater cause that benefits the whole world!

[We] broke down those barriers that were creating havoc in my life...

Larissa is incredibly intuitive and has great listening skills. She knows exactly what kind of questions to ask you. She is able to bring out your deepest feelings that are kept prisoner in your body and in your mind.

She has helped me breakdown those barriers that were buried over time and creating havoc in my life. I am now feeling self-confident and strong to go forward. Thank you so much for these wonderful breakthrough sessions, you are an angel in disguise!

 //  Therese Matteau

How to overcome your biggest obstacles...

It's all about making it easy really to recognize and get to the bottom of your biggest issues even if you don’t know and can’t see it easily, and how to overcome it.   

   //  Brana

Copyright 2019, Inner Freedom Arts
