How to Answer the Hardest Question in Business

By Larissa Popov | Marketing

Dec 28

What do you do?”

Why is that such a hard question to answer?

It’s a question that can make even the most seasoned entrepreneur squirm.

If we produced a physical product or delivered a service they created a before and after photo, than the value would be obvious and easy to explain.

However for most of us in the coaching and healing space what we do isn’t so tangible, and that makes it more challenging to find the words the express the bottom line; a more tangible expression of how we help people.

Even if you’ve been in business for decades, revisiting and refining your “what I do” message is vital, especially when you’re updating your niche or your offers.  

Here are a couple of common mistakes we make:

  1. Leading with our process or the “HOW”: 
    e.g. I help entrepreneurs heal their ancestral patterns. 
    e.g. I help mothers love themselves

Although these concepts may be true, unless the client understands that they need that and they trust you, it’s not as compelling.

It’s always more effective to focus on describing the result you give that resolves the problem that your ideal client is FED UP WITH. 

If you arrive at a “concept” as a result, you can ask yourself, “what does _________  allow my clients to have?”

2. Making it way too long:  too many clarifiers, too many commas, too many details.  I am SOO guilty of this one!  We can craft a perfectly thought out message, but if it’s too complex, your ideal clients can’t grasp it and they might even “tune it out”.  If you can reduce your big result to one thing, the message will come across much more clearly.

I find that messaging is especially tricky to create for ourselves because it’s hard to be objective, when we’re swimming in the world of our own work and perceptions 24/7.

In the Soul Awakened Business Academy, one of the things we do is lay down the fundamentals of your soul-aligned, compelling message

and then show you how to use it, so that you know exactly how to apply and repurpose it to your social media, emails, sales pages, talks… so you know exactly what to say in any situation.

If you’re ready to GET EXCITED about your marketing and get your message out there with more JOY, EASE and PLEASURE, message me and let’s talk about how I can support you to call forth more of those committed, soulmate clients who want what you offer!


About the Author

Larissa Popov, Divine Business Mentor supports coaches, healers and service-based entrepreneurs to attract and enrol more of their ideal clients by creating a STAND OUT, soul-aligned brand and showcase their unique authority with confidence. To find out how Larissa can support you and your business, email support [at] innerfreedomarts [dot] com.