If you’re a business owner, you’re probably well-aware that having a clear niche is an important part of a successful marketing campaign. But are you truly sticking to it?
Have you ever read an article or social media post and felt like the author was speaking exactly to you? They understood your unique situation, the challenges you face and the things that are really important to you?
You felt seen and heard, and it built a certain level of trust with them because it’s as if they were in your head, thinking your very thoughts!
Some of us consider ourselves clear on our niche, yet when it comes to our marketing, we can have a tendency to want to clump so many different people into the message:
e.g. I work with women (and men), I work with business owners (and other professionals), I love to work with moms (but you don’t have to be a mom to work with me!)
While it’s absolutely true that we love to work with all of those people, and we are very capable of supporting them, from a marketing standpoint, it doesn’t have the same impact as speaking to one specific person.
In my own head, I’ve always considered myself more of a “transformational” coach; someone who loves to do the inner work and help people to feel confident and empowered in every aspect of their lives.
When my business coach insisted that I settle on a niche, I felt most inspired to help coaches, healers and other service-based entrepreneurs to feel confident around being visible, promoting their business, and earning more income.
However, I would often mention to my coach that I also love helping people with relationships, and money blocks, whether they are business owners or not. There was a part of me that really wanted to hold on to all of these aspects at once — if not overtly in my marketing, but in my own mind in how I approach ever piece of content I create.
After coaching one of my own clients through the process of choosing and committing to a niche, I was hearing my own words and realizing that at a very subtle level, I wasn’t following my own advice! (I love how we teach what we need to learn!)
Even though my business and marketing was focused predominantly on one specific niche, in my mind, I was still including many kinds of people, and trying to acknowledge everyone.
I have observed this pattern of thinking to myself, “I’m helping business owners and I have this great idea they will love, BUT… I also need to find a way to include these other people too”. That “BUT” would many-a-time derail my original inspired idea and lead to delays and lots of second-guessing myself.
Not fun at all!!!
So, if you’re feeling the slightest bit of niche-resistance, here are my best recommendations to help you fully commit to your niche so that you can
By narrowing your niche, you will be speaking to a smaller group of people. Yes, you should definitely do your market research before committing so that you know that it’s a viable niche, but assuming you’ve already done that;
I am fully owning my role as a Divine Business Mentor, and I am totally aligned with my niche: I am here to serve spiritually-oriented coaches, consultants and healers to get out of their own way so that they can confidently promote their business, attract their ideal clients and earn record-breaking revenue.
Working with my ideal clients on their marketing, sales and inner game makes me giddy and inspires me every single day. And if I happen to attract a professional who wants to feel confident about advancing their career, or an empowered woman looking for her life mate along the way, that would be most welcome, too!
If you are interested in how I might be able to help you with your most profitable and aligned niche so that you can attract more of your ideal clients and grow your business faster, feel free to send me an email and we can set-up a time to chat!
Beyond what I shared in this article, do you have any other concerns or doubts about focusing on a single niche?
Share your niche below!
Larissa Popov, Divine Business Mentor supports coaches, healers and service-based entrepreneurs to attract and enrol more of their ideal clients by creating a STAND OUT, soul-aligned brand and showcase their unique authority with confidence. To find out how Larissa can support you and your business, email support [at] innerfreedomarts [dot] com.